


To support the installation of portable HEPA air purifiers throughout the North Shore district in order to enhance the indoor air quality in our schools and to minimize the spread of COVID-19 in our community. Our ultimate goal is to raise $130K in total for the purchase of 255 portable units, insuring HEPA filtration for every instructional space in the district.


Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommend portable HEPA filtration in conjunction with other measures to reduce the risk of viral contamination indoors. Portable units are an effective way of supplementing the capabilities of existing building ventilation and filtration systems. In the long term, these units can continue to benefit our students and staff by reducing not only the risk of contagion, but also the negative effects of other pollutants and irritants such as dust, pollen, chemicals, and mold.

You can help transform the lives of North Shore students and secure the future of education in our community.

The financial goal of this campaign is to raise $130,000.

100% funded
Hey! We've raised $131,098.00 of the $130,000.00 we are trying to raise for this campaign!

*Offline donations are not reflected until processed.

HEPA Viking Out campaign project today.

Our Kids. Our Community. Our Future.


The Viking Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to enriching the educational experience of students in the North Shore School District and securing their future.

The Way You Can Help?

Our Focus

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the high quality of education provided by the North Shore school district.


The Viking Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to enriching the educational experience of students in the North Shore School District and securing their future.

Our Process

We identify several major projects each year from which one or two Major Project Grants are awarded, often with input from the administration and teaching staff most directly involved with the particular proposal. 

The Viking Foundation is an ally to the District in realizing the mission to nurture and enrich each student’s natural delight in learning.